Category: News
Cagayan de Oro City – Ms. Yolanda Templa, RSW, or “ate Yolly” as she is fondly called in the Calabrian Children’s Foundation (CCF), Inc. retires from service. She was the first social worker of CCF and has worked in CCF since 2003.
In a tearful and meaningful program set for her in the evening of 9th of December 2024, the CCF family extends their warm thanksgiving to her for her tireless and selfless service to CCF. Many children who were once under her watchful care became successful in their lives. Current and former CCF children owe her a lot for everything she has done in CCF.
Fr. Marvin Tadena, PSDP, Fr. Ronaldo Eborde, PSDP, and Fr. Ronnie Lapara, PSDP – then religious brothers who worked side by side with her in the inception of CCF as a licensed social agency – were present in her despedida party. Her relatives and close friends, current and former CCF children, also came to express their support and appreciation. Fr. Miller John Masillones, PSPD, the current executive director of CCF, presided over the eucharistic celebration. In his homily, he points out that just like the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, whose solemnity is celebrated on the 9th of December this year, Ate Yolly has said her ‘yes’ and her willingness to serve and be part of CCF has truly changed her life forever.
Cagayan de Oro City – The month of October is known in the Catholic Church as the ‘Rosary Month.’ Why? The short answer is that it is because that on October 7, the entire Church celebrates the memorial of the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
This feast which is also known as feast of the Our Lady of Victories recalls the miraculous victory of the Christian forces in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571. Pope St. Pius V established it as a feast on that same year. Eventually, this devotion to the holy rosary became widespread and common.
Calabrian Children’s Foundation, an institution run by the Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence (Calabrians), celebrated this special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, yesterday afternoon, October 30, 2024. The community, led by some children, prayed the holy rosary. Then, a eucharistic celebration followed to give thanks to God through the maternal intercession of Mother Mary.
The community was graced by the presence of the religious communities of Lumbia and Carmen, the staff, and Sr. Babylyn Dulfo, and her two companion sisters who came all the way from the United States of America.
Cagayan de Oro City – The topic on gender and development is one of the hot burning issues in our society today. This concern cuts across nations, races, traditions and cultures. In fact, many authors deal intensively on such important topics, highlighting its importance to integral human development and understanding. Different perspectives and insights have been brought about for serious discussions and other healthy engagements.
Today, 19th of October 2024, Ms. Joan Dale Ebsolo, a registered psychometrician, serves as the resource person for the formation of the staff of Calabrian Children’s Foundation, Inc. (CCF). In this half-day conference held at CCF-Bayabas, she brings to light several issues and areas of concern that CCF staff should take seriously and wholeheartedly. As service providers to CCF children, she highlighted, that these are factors to consider in dealing with the attitude and behavior of children.
In this formation, Ms. Amor Jurada, a registered social worker, is introduced to the staff of CCF as a prospect service provider who will accompany the girls in CCF-Kauswagan in the next months.

After the conference, the participants including Ms. Joan Dale received a certificate of participation and appreciation respectively for being present in this meaningful activity.
Cagayan de Oro City – John Dewey, an American philosopher, said: “The self is not ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.” This statement is undeniably true for the staff of Calabrian Children’s Foundation (CCF).
Yesterday, 14th of October 2024, the staff of CCF was gathered at Genesis Farm, Lingion, Municipality of Talakag, Bukidnon for their monthly formation and meeting. Mr. Julius Cagampang, its owner, welcomed them with hospitality and good will. He also gave a short input to them about Rubber trees: its uniqueness, usefulness, and benefits to human and natural ecology. Soon after this formation with Mr. Cagampang, Fr. Miller John Masillones, PSDP, executive director of CCF, facilitated the staff meeting.
With this formation and meeting, the staff of CCF hopes to become better service providers to all the children entrusted to their care. CCF also upholds the importance of caring for the natural environment and its interrelatedness with human existence.
Cagayan de Oro City: With a spirit of family, former children of Calabrian Children’s Foundation (CCF) were reunited this afternoon, 15 September 2024, at CCF-Home for Boys, Brgy. Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City. They gathered in order to re-ignite the Calabrian spirit that they received in CCF and also to organize them by selecting their new set of officers. Rev. Fr. Miller John Masillones, PSDP, the current executive director of CCF, led this meeting.
As they saw each other again, they felt nostalgia for the moments and experiences they shared together while being in CCF. It was as if the old days came to life again. They cannot just keep within themselves the joy and happiness that they felt for meeting each other again after quite some time, for years among others.
Most of these former children are now pursuing their college education while others have already finished their studies and are preparing themselves for their licensure exams.
With the limited time that they shared, they hope to see each other again. They believe that having a gathering like this will not only be a homecoming for them, but a valued opportunity to express their gratitude and appreciation to all those who at some point became companions in their life’s journey.
Cagayan de Oro City: On this day, the residents of Calabrian Children’s Foundation-Home for Girls in Brgy. Kauswagan have their group counselling session with a registered psychometrician.
In this session, she organized an activity where the children can openly express their feelings, insights, and experiences. This activity will hopefully boost their self-esteem and enable them to cope with their interior struggles. This will also usher the children towards getting to know each other and accept each other despite their individual differences.
Cagayan de Oro City: Every month the staff of Calabrian Children’s Foundation (CCF) gathers together for their staff meeting. Held at CCF-Home for Girls in Brgy, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City, Fr. Miller John Masillones, PSDP, CCF executive director, facilitated the said meeting. In this meeting, Fr. Miller gave some reminder about their tasks and responsibilities as staff members of CCF.
This meeting is also part of the preparation for the upcoming feast of St. John Calabria, the founder of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence Congregation (also known as “Calabrians”), on October 8, 2024.
They ended their meeting with a sumptuous lunch.
Cagayan de Oro City: Today, 28 August 2024, the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro celebrates the feast day of its patron saint, St. Augustine of Hippo. In communion with the local church, the community of Calabrian Children’s Foundation, Inc., gathered today at CCF-Home for Girls in Brgy. Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City for a eucharistic celebration. Rev. Fr. Mark Jonnel H. Magos, PSDP presided over the mass. In his homily, he highlighted three important virtues from St. Augustine: (1) humility, (2) prayer, (3) moving on.
Before the mass started, they witnessed first the fluvial procession of the images of St. Augustine and her mother, St. Monica. It was indeed a prayerful sight to see which reminds the community of CCF about the life of holiness of St. Augustine.
After the mass, a short program was held which included catechesis, trivia, and parlor games.
Cagayan de Oro City: The staff of Calabrian Children’s Foundation (CCF) was gathered today, 26 August 2024, in the Religious House of the Calabrian Priests and Brothers in Brgy. Bayabas, Cagayan de Oro City for their monthly case conference. This meeting is very significant for it deals on some issues concerning CCF children. It is also an occasion for the service providers to share some experiences and insights on how to effectively handle and manage the cases of each child. Furthermore, it allows them to show appreciation and support for one another for the tireless effort that they exerted for the growth and well-being of CCF children.
Cagayan de Oro City: Despite scattered rains, the Calabrian Family in Cagayan de Oro City was gathered at Calabrian Children’s Foundation-Home for Girls, Brgy. Kauswagan, CDO for a birthday celebration for the celebrants in the month of August. The birthday program started with a eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Mark Jonnel Magos, PSDP and concelebrated by Fr. Miller John Masillones, PSDP. After the mass, the program continued with some presentations and giving of messages. Then, a sumptuous dinner followed.
The said program was participated by the staff and children of Calabrian Children’s Foundation, ex-CCF children, benefactors, friends, priests, brothers and sisters of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence Congregation (Calabrians).